Private Practice Crime 7+ Years jobs in Europe
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- Crime, Private Practice, 7+ Years, £50,000 - £59,999, Europe 5
- Crime, Barristers, 7+ Years, £50,000 - £59,999, Mid Level, Europe 23
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£50,000 - £59,999
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Found 5 Mid Level jobs for £50,000 - £59,999
Criminal Solicitor
CRIMINAL DUTY SOLICITOR, NORFOLK, SALARY £51,000- £59,000. Excellent training and development opportunity for individuals interested in a career i...
Criminal Solicitor
CRIMINAL DUTY SOLICITOR, BERKSHIRE, SALARY £56,000- £66,000. Excellent training and development opportunity for individuals interested in a career...
Criminal Solicitor
CRIMINAL DUTY SOLICITOR, WEST SUSSEX, SALARY £56,000- £66,000. Excellent training and development opportunity for individuals interested in a care...
Criminal Solicitor
CRIMINAL DUTY SOLICITOR, SUFFOLK, SALARY £51,000- £59,000. Excellent training and development opportunity for individuals interested in a career i...
Criminal Duty Solicitor
CRIMINAL DUTY SOLICITOR, CARDIFF, SALARY £51,000- £59,000. Excellent training and development opportunity for individuals interested in a career i...