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What to do with multiple job offers

Written by: Austen Lloyd
Published on: 28 Mar 2024

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When searching for a new role it may take a while before you find that “perfect fit”. However in some instances you may be unaware of the extent of demand for the skills that you possess.

If you skill set is highly desirable, when you start making applications, you may be overwhelmed by the response and the momentum at which the entire recruitment process unfolds.

It is normal, without the insight of how much in demand you actually are, that you may register with multiple agencies after applying to different roles advertised online.

A flurry of interviews will often follow and if you perform well you may be presented with multiple offers.

The initial elation of such an achievement is often shrouded by multiple stakeholders all highlighting the merits of each offer. You may spend sleepless nights deciding which offer to accept and worry about offending those parties that you will inevitably have to reject.

The most important thing to do if you ever find yourself here is to relax and remind yourself that this is your career. Cast your mind back to why you were looking in the first place. Often, you can rely on a “gut feeling”, but if this is absent, then here are some questions you may want to consider.

  1. Which role gives you the most opportunities to grow?

No-one wants to stagnate in a role, especially when you have invested so much. Which offer has the most potential for you to grow in your career in the direction you want it to grow?

  1. Can you see yourself working with the hiring Manager?

Chemistry on the day is usually a good sign, especially when you will be working with them throughout the day for the foreseeable future!

  1. Should I accept the highest offer?

Don’t be dazzled by the highest offer. All salaries have potential to increase once you have established your worth. Go for the salary which is the best deal for the work you will be doing and try not to think too short term.

  1. Will this work for me?

Can you stand spending a large chunk of your life stuck on the M25? Will you get bored after 6 months even though there is a free coffee machine? Is the nice company car worth the cut in salary? Can I see myself being happy here?

Each offer is individual and so are your needs, so look at what works best for you. Be pragmatic and once you have made that decision, stay with it.

From an agency perspective we would recommend not registering with too many agents. Instead, opt for a select few, or just one who will thoroughly understand your requirements and will work closely with you to provide as much relevant information and guidance as possible. At Austen Lloyd, our experienced Consultants will help you through the entire recruitment process seamlessly, providing you with the information and advice you need at each stage, to ensure that you decide on the offer that works best for you. We pride ourselves in helping you though the “maze” logically and as stress free as possible.

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Austen Lloyd